Breakups are hard

No, I’m not talking about breaking up with your partner. As a Realtor, you have to have your clients best interest at heart, however there comes a point where they can run you ragged, we refer to this as “breaking up” with a client. When I started, I said “there would be no way IContinue reading “Breakups are hard”

What does it cost to buy a house?

Ok let’s talk about what I don’t see many people talking about. What does it cost to buy a house? So yes, you have your down payment. Your down payment depends on the type of loan you have. It could be anything from 0%- However much you want to put down. More down payment meansContinue reading “What does it cost to buy a house?”

July Update!

Happy July! I hope you are staying cool in this hot weather and enjoying the sunshine. Check out my monthly newsletter, some free coloring pages, AND free recipes. Want to recieve these weekly? Subscribe to my newsletters by emailing me at and let me know!

June Market Updates!

Hello Sunshine! I am all about this warm weather coming in. Are you?!? Based on the market, we are starting to see some interesting turn around. We seem to be switching from a Sellers market to a Bueyrs market. This means that there is not enough buyer demand compared to the houses on the market.Continue reading “June Market Updates!”

May Market Update!

“It’s gonna be MAY.” If you didn’t sing that in your head, I might be too old. Just kidding, but it is fun to say anyway! Happy May to everyone! I wish you another wonderful and prosperous month full of joy. Check out this market statistics and some other fun things happening in the Valley!Continue reading “May Market Update!”

All the Reasons you Should NOT Build Right Now

Right now we are seeing home prices increasing. The cost of lumber has almost trippled at this point and doesn’t look like it is going to slow down anytime soon. So what does that mean for you? First thing first, know that homes are not priced based on what it cost to build them whenContinue reading “All the Reasons you Should NOT Build Right Now”

What You Should be Doing as a Buyer

So you want to buy a house. Obviously I’m about to tell you to work with a Realtor. Ok, so now what? If you haven’t already, and you do not have the cash straight out, you need to get a loan for whatever you are buying. A good Realtor will give you some recommendations, butContinue reading “What You Should be Doing as a Buyer”

Short sale vs. Foreclosure

Have you ever heard the term short sale or foreclosure? Did you know they were different? The two are one in the same, but very different. Don’t let the term “short sale” fool you, it can still be an extremely lengthy process taking upwards of 6 months to close. Both processes take a long timeContinue reading “Short sale vs. Foreclosure”

Weekly Recipe 6.0

Good morning! Here is to another quick, simple, and delicious recipe headed your way. I can’t take credit for this recipe, it was actually my boyfriend who was hungry and decided to make this beatiful creation. We were given a waffle bowl maker for Christmas this year, and really wanted to use it. As forContinue reading “Weekly Recipe 6.0”

The Housing Market is on FIRE Right Now

I guarantee you this isn’t the first time you’ve heard someone say this. Homes that are priced under $250,000 are barely staying on the market for an entire day. Mortgage rates are at an all time low, and keep going lower. The homes that are still on the market, are the ones that are moreContinue reading “The Housing Market is on FIRE Right Now”

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