Saving for buying a home

When it comes to purchasing a home, there is a lot of money that goes into it that I have talked about in my other blogs. Depending on your loan, you can qualify for a low down payment, but closing costs are still going to be expensive. You can expect 3-5% of the purchase priceContinue reading “Saving for buying a home”

Working with Friends and Family

Who wouldn’t want to work with someone they are close to? Sounds great doesn’t it?! Well, not always. I have found that working with family and friends leads to more troubles than not. I’m not sure why it is honestly. I LOVE the idea of helping someone I know and cherish find their home. ButContinue reading “Working with Friends and Family”

All the Reasons you Should NOT Build Right Now

Right now we are seeing home prices increasing. The cost of lumber has almost trippled at this point and doesn’t look like it is going to slow down anytime soon. So what does that mean for you? First thing first, know that homes are not priced based on what it cost to build them whenContinue reading “All the Reasons you Should NOT Build Right Now”

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